
In IDEO’s design kit, it suggested creating a project plan before you begin any new design.

Get organized, understand your strengths, and start identifying what you’ll need to come up with innovative solutions” - IDEO

Why create a project plan?

How do I create a project plan?

  1. Use a calendar (IDEO suggested printing out a large one and placing it in my workspace, however I just used google calendar due to the fact I can see all my key dates and travel dates - allowing me to plan my project work around this other information)

  2. now I have a sense of timeline, I should look for constraints and things that might threaten my process (I think that doing a SWAT analysis will help with this)

  3. reading up on the topic is the next step, doing primary and secondary research is key to understanding the process of your project better

  4. Answer questions like: when should I start interviewing? How many interviews will I do? How long will prototyping take?