<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/555269ac-6b68-40b6-a0f6-44fb439393fb/Group_267.png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/555269ac-6b68-40b6-a0f6-44fb439393fb/Group_267.png" width="40px" /> Link to care-giver application prototype


<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/73374205-b3d1-4441-abd4-e2e956e71c6b/Group_266.png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/73374205-b3d1-4441-abd4-e2e956e71c6b/Group_266.png" width="40px" /> Link to care-receiver application prototype


The brief & why I created ForgetMeNot

I created this project in my second semester of year 2 of interaction design at Ulster University for the module “Designing User Experiences”. The brief was to create an app for the healthcare sector; I decided to create an application to help people living with Alzheimers disease - my target users being both the person with alzheimers as well as the caregivers.

The Final Outcome

The goal was to create a completely functional prototype with either Figma or Adobe XD; in my case, I decided to use Figma. The final outcome consisted of two different prototypes: the first being for the caregiver, and the second for the person receiving care. I created a mobile app for the caregiver - allowing them to help their care-receiver from anywhere at any time. The app for the care-receiver manifested in an app that could be only used on platforms with a larger screen - such as a TV, iPad, Laptop, or PC.

My Goal

The main goal was to give people with alzheimers a greater amount of independence, as well as allow care receivers to have peace of mind when away from their care receiver.

My Process

During this project, I tried to split up my weeks via the two design models I researched in week 1. With the double diamond design methodology I learned that the weeks should be split via two diverging mindsets and two converging mindsets, and with IDEO’s design kit I learned that my schedule should be split into 3 different design stages - the inspiration stage, the ideation stage, and the implementation stage.

My project plan is here